Submitted by DonHester on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 06:38.
East Wenatchee and Okanogan Home Inspection- Nice Shiner!
We have all heard this. "It's a brand new home so does it really need an inspection?"
The short answer is yes!
Even new homes will have some issues. And we sure hope they are minor.
All homes are built with inherit weaknesses. Such as; complex roof lines that have a greater potential for failure, lack of or missing flashings, cement poured too close or over the siding and trim, poor grading, missing gutters/downspouts etc...
Here we have a roofer that has had a bad week. Maybe happy hour came a little too early that day.
The roof covering on this home was applied in a less than professional way and some things were just wrong.
This roof had what in the roofing industry refers to is "SHINERS" (Term used to describe an exposed nail; one that was not covered by the following course of roofing material)!
One shiner is one thing, but too many to count is another! These are all areas of potential leaks over time.
This roofing company lost any profits since the roof will have to be reinstalled. Speed KILLS!
Do you really need a home inspection?
East Wenatchee and Okanogan Home Inspection- Nice Shiner!
NCW Home Inspections LLC-509-670-9572
NCW Home Inspections, LLC is located in Wenatchee Washington serving Chelan County, Douglas County, Okanogan County and Grant County Washington.